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Acupuncture is a gentle strategy for improving circulation to specific areas of the body.


Because this modality delivers electrons directly to affected tissue, it is the most effective therapy for improving cell health.


Herbal therapy is an ideal adjunct to support the body's healing journey naturally.


Specialized suction cups help bring congestion to the skin's surface so that fresh blood and energy can flow freely.


Shadow on Concrete Wall


Nicole is a healer. I was involved in an auto accident that was traumatic both physically and mentally, the last thing I wanted was to go and have needles stuck in me! I was urged to try acupuncture and finally consented. I am grateful that I did. With the treatments I was able to regain mobility and peace of mind. Nicole has incredible skills and made me feel comfortable and relaxed each visit. The needles don't hurt... as a matter of fact I looked forward to my weekly treatments. I highly recommend Bridge to Health and am very grateful for the professional yet personal service I received.

Shadow on Concrete Wall


Nicole has been instrumental in managing my peri-menopausal symptoms. She takes the time to listen and has supported me through this time. She is gentle and always cautious about my comfort during sessions. In addition, she has helped manage back pain as it has occurred from time to time. I highly recommend her services!

Shadow on Concrete Wall


Until you are in pain daily for years, and then have PAIN BE GONE some days, and mostly lessened to a huge degree, you will not understand how excited I am. I have severe stenosis and spondelothesis in my back - my Dr. said that surgery would be the only answer but the neurologist said I should try acupuncture for 3 months. So, I went to Nicole for acupuncture and cupping, and after several weeks of treatment, the pain was 80% lessened. AND I went off meds completely. Seriously, Nicole knows what she is doing.



Acupuncture is one component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a complete medical system used to diagnose and treat illness, prevent disease and improve well-being. It is an effective modality for improving physical, psychological and emotional issues. By inserting tiny needles into the body at specific locations, acupuncture encourages the body to promote natural healing and improve functioning.


Acupuncture stimulates Qi (pronounced chee) movement, a passive method to increase circulation in the body. When the body is healthy, Qi flows smoothly through the body via a network of pathways. When the flow of Qi is deficient or obstructed, it renders the person vulnerable to a number of illnesses or injuries. While healthy, smooth Qi flow describes a state of balance to an acupuncturist, a Western medicine practitioner would perceive these results as homeostasis.


Acupuncture originated in China more than 3,000 years ago and its use has been rapidly spreading in the western world due to its proven effectiveness. Acupuncture is unique in that it treats both the symptoms and the root causes of a person’s ailment. The World Health Organization, the National Institutes of Health, The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the New York State Office of the Professions all endorse acupuncture for a broad range of conditions including:


  • Acute and Chronic Pain

  • Back and Neck Pain

  • Stress

  • Joint Pain

  • Headaches/Migraines

  • Sciatica

  • Insomnia

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Depression/Anxiety

  • Menopausal Symptoms

  • Digestive Disorders

  • Allergies/Sinus Congestion

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Hypertension

  • Fibromyalgia

  • TMJ/Trigeminal Neuralgia

  • Autoimmune Disorders

  • Hormonal Imbalances

  • Addiction/Withdrawal

  • Infertility

About Acupuncture



Electro-acupuncture passes a mild electric current between acupuncture needles, resulting in a gentle, comfortable sensation. Most people describe the sensation as a soft tapping or vibration. It is a specialty within Traditional Chinese Medicine that blends the usage of electricity to modulate the production and release of neuropeptides and neurotransmitters with the specificity of energy movement within acupuncture channels. By harnessing the power of electrons, electro-acupuncture maximizes the body's healing potential by improving the electrical conduction of cells; thereby directly benefiting cellular health.


Electro-acupuncture has been lauded for being particularly effective for those with neurological diseases, paralysis, chronic pain and muscle spasms. However, research over the past five years consistently points to electro-acupuncture's value for a large number of internal medicine conditions such as:


  • Digestive diseases (like Crohn's, gastritis, IBS, GERD)

  • Metabolic disorders (like hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, diabetes)

  • Autoimmune issues (like Lupus, multiple sclerosis, allergies, Celiac)

  • Psychological imbalances (like anxiety, depression, addiction, insomnia)





Plants have been used as medicine before recorded history and their medicinal use is endemic to all cultures. Described as the art and science of using herbs for promoting health and preventing and treating illness, herbal medicine is another component of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese herbal medicine has a long history, dating back to the Chinese emperor, Shen Nong, a skilled herbalist who lived three thousand years BCE.  


Most pharmaceutical drugs are single chemical entities that are highly refined, purified and often synthesized. In contrast, herbal medicines are prepared from living or dried plants, animals and minerals and contain hundreds to thousands of interrelated compounds. Those interrelated compounds provider a fuller spectrum of health benefits than a single entity could accomplish. Herbal formulas offer a route towards wellness that, under a knowledgeable practitioner's guidance, can be a safer option than pharmaceuticals. Herbs can be categorized as anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, demulcent, anti-tumor, vasodilators, anti-hypertensive, hypolipidemic, purgative, tonifying, sedating, moisturizing, drying, warming, cooling, astringent, etc. A unique characteristic of Chinese herbal medicine is that instead of using single herbs, herbalists prescribe formulas - a combination of herbs that addresses complex presentations and mitigates any potential side effects.


Our acupuncturist is a Chinese herbalist. She can guide you towards making wise supplement choices and may prescribe Chinese herbal formulas for various conditions. Nicole Cutler, L.Ac., MTCM has been certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) as a diplomat in Chinese Herbology.

Herbal Medicine



Cupping is another part of Traditional Chinese Medicine where a therapist places special cups with suction on the skin for several minutes. Through this suction, congested blood and tissue are brought up to the surface of the body. This allows for fresh blood and qi to infiltrate the tissue that is in need of a circulation boost. Cupping typically relieves muscle tension because it improves localized blood flow to allow the affected muscle to relax.


Many people who watched the last Summer Olympics are familiar with the marks cupping can leave after seeing purplish circles on the back of the infamous swimmer, Michael Phelps. At Bridge to Health, our acupuncturist performs cupping when it is appropriate, but it is rarely as dark or long-lasting as Phelps’ were.




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